There's so much to absorb when publishing a book that I wanted to keep track of the little stray tidbits of how-to and how-come information on the web. I expect this to be an ongoing series as there's always something to learn in this industry.
Here's what piqued my interest this week:
1. Hoping to land a traditional book deal through e-publishing? Well, here's the sales figures it takes to get New York's attention: 5,000 books sold in 6 months. Read more about it here.
2.Hate the low 35% royalty on books priced at 99 cents? Want to make more? Here's a workaround (untested, so buyer beware). List your book on Amazon for $2.99 or what have you, which is a 70% royalty price. Then, on other outlets (B&N, Smashwords etc..) list it at a lower price. Go back to Amazon and click on 'tell us about a lower price'. Amazon will put your book on sale and pay you a 70% royalty--allegedly.
3.JA Konrath is talking about cloud publishing as a means of book distribution. Will it replace Amazon? I am doubtful as I don't think cloud computing organizes information as well as an e-commerce storefront and there are some issues with logistics, but the idea is interesting.
What have you learned so far this week?
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Love Potions Excerpt
Here's a short excerpt of my upcoming novella, Love Potions, which should be released sometime in September. Enjoy!
Sometimes bad love potions are the best kind.
Chapter One
Marion waved black smoke away from her face, muttering a string of swear words under her breath. The scent of cloves stung her nose. Rose petals, flames curling their edges, littered the floor like confetti from hell. This was her fourth attempt to get this love potion right, and, no matter how she varied the ingredients, it still blew up in her face.
She wasn’t making a love potion so much as a love bomb--one that had little affection for a clean kitchen. At this rate she would never obtain her potions license. Noticing the soot on the ceiling, she realized she might not get back her security deposit on the apartment either.
From the living room, her roommate said, “Oh no. Not again.”
“Yes, again,” she said with a sigh. “Sorry, Raven.”
Raven came into the kitchen and leaned against the door jamb. She sniffed, wrinkling her nose. “Mar, you know I love you, but I’m really tired of the smoke. The first thing guys ask when they come over is if something is on fire.”
“Look, I’m really sorry.” Marion frowned down at her potion pot, which appeared to have a hole in the bottom. Damn. This was the first time she’d used it too.
“I know, but ‘sorry’ doesn’t get rid of the smell. It’s gotten to where I avoid werewolves and you know how much I like furry men.” Marion’s roommate paused, a faraway look in her eyes, and then gave herself a little shake. “Anyway, I think it might be time to confine your efforts to the lab at the university.”
Marion sighed again and threw her potion pot into the garbage. Another three-hundred-dollar pot ruined. She was going to have to review her budget again and find the money for another one. But no more non-stick potion pots. They were too expensive. She’d have to make do with the cheap ones from WitchMart.
“You’re right,” she said with a glum look at Raven. “I’ll do this at school from now on.” It would mean late nights on campus, but it would save her the clean-up in the kitchen. The university labs had wards in place to contain any magic accidents. Potions or spells gone bad simply disappeared as if they’d never existed, but the incident reports students had to fill out provided documentation enough.
Documentation Marion had hoped to avoid since too many incident reports could lower her grade. She was barely passing Potions as it was.
“Have you considered that maybe your problem isn’t the potion, but you?” Raven opened the kitchen window, shooing the air out with her hands.
“What do you mean?” Marion grabbed the broom and swept the rose buds into a pile. The roses had turned to ash and smeared black across the white linoleum. Great. She’d have to mop, too.
“I mean, maybe a love potion requires some, you know, action?”
She stiffened. “I’m not you.” Her roommate was the social butterfly while Marion worked hard to be the beige wallflower. She liked solid walls at her back; it meant no one could sneak up behind her.
“You don’t have to be. Frankly, I don’t want the competition. But since you are human, I know deep down, underneath that scholarly facade is a passionate woman just waiting for the right man.” Raven paused and gave Marion the once-over. “Look at you. Your hair is singed. You’re wearing sweatpants and your shirt is more gray than white. You’re not even making an effort.”
“You know I wear old clothes for potions.” Marion plucked at the frayed hem of her shirt, trying to tuck it under and out of sight.
“And to the grocery store and your classes. Homeless trolls dress better.”
Marion steeled herself against the truth of Raven’s statement. She owed no one an explanation. Besides, Raven, with her easy confidence and quick charm, wouldn’t understand. “I’m going to go take a shower and get cleaned up. Maybe I’ll even meet your standards when I’m done.” She swept past her roommate to the bathroom and slammed the door.
“I’m just trying to help,” Raven yelled after her.
Marion turned the water on full force drowning out her roommate’s voice and dropped her clothes on the floor. She caught sight of herself in the mirror and shook her head. Raven was right. Her hair was singed. What she hadn’t mentioned was that it also looked like birds had been trying to construct a nest in it. She took a moment to brush it out before stepping into the shower knowing if she didn’t get the worst of the tangles out now, it would hurt like hell later.
Dark hair smooth, Marion set the brush down on the vanity, and caught sight of the scars on her wrist. Two years had passed since the doctors had pinned it back together and she hadn’t been on a date since. It still didn’t feel safe. Which was why she needed to pass her potions class, so she could start the magical defense courses. They were the only thing that could protect her.
Marion was in her room trying to find some clothes to wear when Raven barged in without knocking. “Hey, I’m going out tonight. Do you want to come?” She paused, realizing Marion was naked. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you were getting dressed.”
Nonplussed at the intrusion, Marion wrapped her towel around her body. Raven never knocked and she had gotten used to her roommate’s practice of doing first and thinking later. “I don’t know if I’m up for a night out.”
“Your favorite DJ is on tonight.”
“Pixie Cool?” She loved Fairy Techno and PC was the best.
“Yep. It’ll be fun. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet a guy.”
Marion shook her head. “I don’t want to meet a guy.”
“You can’t be celibate forever.”
Marion flushed. “I think you’re oversexed.”
Raven laughed. "You say that like it’s a bad thing. Oh come on, Mar. Come dancing with me. It’ll be fun. We haven’t been out in forever.”
Marion sighed and weighed her options: Spend an evening alone at home trying to figure out where she kept going wrong with the love potion, or go blow off some steam on the dance floor? Considering she didn’t have another potion pot, it really wasn’t much of a choice. “Okay, I’ll go.”
Raven squealed in excitement. “Cool! I’m going to get dressed. We leave in an hour.”
“Yes ma’am.” She saluted her roommate, but Raven had already left.
Raven’s radio blared music through the apartment, shaking the walls with an infectious rhythm. Marion winced hoping the neighbors wouldn’t complain, and then shook off her worries with a shimmy of her hips. Humming under her breath, she went through her closet looking for something too-big to wear.
Chapter Two
Aidan scanned the club trying to keep a pleasant smile on his face. It was an effort-- as he’d never been more angry-- but anger was the not the solution. If he gave into his rage the Queen would never let him back into Fairy. The terms of her curse had been clear: Until he pleased a woman less than perfect, the gates of Fairy were closed to him.
To make it more difficult, she confined his hunt to this night club packed with perfect people. Aidan looked over the crowd once again, assessing the pickings, and sighed. Not a single diamond in the rough to be found.
McAllister materialized next to him with a chuckle. “You’ve got your work cut out for you, my friend.”
Aidan snorted and glared at the pixie. “Where have you been?”
“I stayed to get the latest gossip from court.”
Aidan rolled his eyes and took a sip of his mead beer. Pixies couldn’t resist gossip and McAllister, with his pink fluffy wings, was all pixie, even if he did have the face of a troll. A fact no one mentioned unless they were looking for a fight.
McAllister’s wings twitched in annoyance. “Don’t act like you don’t care, you sod-ass. You want to know what they’re saying.”
“Then tell me.”
“Well, you went wrong with the whole moon thing. No woman wants her ass compared to not one, but two full moons. I think that was what put you over the edge.”
Aidan felt a flush rise in his cheeks. “I meant it to be a compliment.”
“Which is why your fecking head is still attached to your neck. The Lady knew your intent was good, but a lesson was in order just the same.”
“Well, now what? Everyone here is fair. There are none so ugly as to fulfill her requirements.”
“Make the best of it and hope you get lucky,” McAllister said as he flexed his wings, preparing to take off.
“Where are you going?”
McAllister paused. “I’m going to look for a good seat so I can observe.”
“Ahh, I see. You’ll be reporting back to the Queen.”
“Yes, my friend. I’ve been chosen as the executor of this task.” And with that, McAllister flitted off, leaving Aidan to fend for himself.
Aidan downed the last of his mead and made his way to the dance floor. At least the music was good, the same stuff they played at Court. He allowed himself a few dances just to release his pent-up frustration, scanning through the crowd for a potential partner.
The shadows from the erratic pulses of strobe lights sometimes gave the illusion of a less-than-pretty face or figure. Once or twice, he thought he might have found someone only to learn, upon closer inspection, they would not qualify.
But then he became aware of the woman next to him dancing like she was possessed, and, once he caught sight of her, he was riveted. Not by her beauty, for her loose hair hid her face. Nor was it her figure that captured his attention, for her floor-length skirt, topped with a too-big, long-sleeved shirt made it impossible to determine if she was of good form or not.
No, it wasn’t her physical appearance at all that demanded his attention, it was the frantic desperation of her movements that called to him. Something was trapped in this woman, fighting to get out, and he found the progression of the battle fascinating.
Various Wardrobe Malfunctions
1. Wearing my too-big jogging pants while running. This results in running and holding my pants up at the same time. Like Erkel.
2.Stuffing the asthma inhaler in one bra cup and the phone in the other. So I don't have to wear a fanny pack while running.
3. Putting on clean clothes that were actually dirty due to toddler laundry interference and spending more than two hours wondering what that smell was.
So basically, I can't be trusted to dress myself for public viewing. Also, it's not my fault if I smell funny.
2.Stuffing the asthma inhaler in one bra cup and the phone in the other. So I don't have to wear a fanny pack while running.
3. Putting on clean clothes that were actually dirty due to toddler laundry interference and spending more than two hours wondering what that smell was.
So basically, I can't be trusted to dress myself for public viewing. Also, it's not my fault if I smell funny.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A Writer's Wild Vacation
I love the Great White North that is Northern Michigan. The beaches are so gorgeous, even the butterflies come by to sunbathe. Everyone should vacation in the Traverse City area once in their lives. Definitely worthy of the bucket list.
The first day, we body surfed in 5-8 foot waves. I was ankle deep in the Lake and one wave hit me at the waist only to be followed by another that got me in the boobs. Crazy! The water was so rough, it seemed like even the ocean had stopped by for a visit to the UP.
Yesterday, we returned to the same beach and found the lake whimpering meekly on the shore. Booooring. Instead of jumping carnival-ride waves, we got sunburned. Humph.
Today, the family, including the hubby, is on a fishing trip, leaving me with toddler duty. Given that the hubby hates fishing, and my extended family is more cantankerous than usual, I have the better end of the bargain. He's on a boat right now silently chanting 'at least the fish will be delicious' and 'I will not chuck anyone overboard.'
Meanwhile, I slept in until 9, let the toddler watch cartoon after cartoon on networks she's never seen and threw in a load of laundry. Now I'm waiting for the washer to finish so we can go to the farmer's market and a rumored art activity (everyone has told me about it, but I have yet to see the fliers they've seen).
The really big news? Our toddler wrote her name for the first time and then typed several words on the computer as well as maneuvered the mouse, also for the first time. She just blossomed, right in front of us.
You know it's a developmental spurt when they are so focused on a new skill, you can't even capture their attention with the promise of ice cream. We waited until fatigue made her less accurate with the mouse, and then pried her fingers off the keyboard and took her to the ice cream stand where we stuffed her with caramel ice cream.
As for writing...ummm what's that again? I'm too busy chasing butterflies on the beach. (Be sure to enlarge the pic below to see the gorgeous butterfly.)
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